Stop overeating for good.


Are you ready to...

Welcome to the

Healing Emotional

21-Day Online Course

With Savannah Kruger


What's Inside this Course


Mindful Eating & Uncovering
Your Deeper Needs

In this lesson you’ll discover the 7 most common reasons why people are addicted to food and you’ll learn what your specific reasons are. 

You’ll learn the mindfulness practices that will bring more enjoyment, more control, and more ease into how you eat, how you make food choices, and even how you live your life. 

You’ll learn what’s at the source of your unhealthy eating habits and learn to stop cravings in their tracks.


Self-Love & Eating

In this lesson you’re going to learn how self-love and eating are deeply connected. By improving your relationship with yourself you’ll be able to radically change your eating habits.

You’ll learn about the power of short-term versus long-term benefits when making decisions about food and learn how to prioritize your long-term well-being over a quick fix solution like food.

Last, we’ll do my favorite self-love meditation. This short meditation has brought many people to tears, helped them release emotional pain, anxiety, and stress, and helped them love themselves in a whole new way. You’re gonna love it.


Healing Root Causes

This lesson will help you learn how to heal the deeper wounds that are causing your emotional eating habits. You’ll be guided through a powerful exercise that will help you know which steps to take to create your most aligned, joyous life – and in doing so you’ll easily resolve the reasons your emotional eating exists in the first place.

Next you’ll learn how to feel and release challenging emotions. If you can freely and healthily express what’s inside, you will no longer need to turn to emotional eating to cope. 

After Taking This Course

You will be empowered to: 

How I went from stuffing my face to loving my body and healing my relationship with food forever.

When I was younger, I hated my body. When I was in middle school I stuffed my bra, changed my personality to get guys to like me, and tried all the diets to be skinny. I almost fell over after 9 days of not eating — all in the name of losing weight — weight I didn’t need to lose. I thought if I looked like the girls on TV, I’d finally get the love and attention I longed for.

Can you relate?

Well, guess what? My unhealthy weight-loss methods weren’t even working! I believed that I wasn’t good enough unless I was skinny. I saw my limiting beliefs and lack of self-love reflected in my relationships, my health, my mental health, and my eating habits. As I entered my 20’s, I started to question what my motivations for losing weight really were. I debunked the big weight loss myths (you’ll learn these in the course!), followed my intuition, and educated myself a ton. 

I created this course so that you no longer have to struggle with emotional eating like I did. I don’t want to see one more person hate their body and not know how to heal. I’ve healed profoundly on my journey and I want to speed yours along so you can finally enjoy the “food freedom” I enjoy. 

Hi, I"m Savannah Kruger

I’ll be your guide on this journey. 

I’ve facilitated courses at Harvard University, tenderly led group coaching calls, and lovingly hosted intimate and vulnerable women’s circles. I’ve helped people transform their lives and their habits with love and I’m so excited to finally help you!

What’s Included in this Course

(Basically everything you need to make a change)

Ready to finally heal your emotional eating?

take this course and make the change you deserve.

ANd Get All this…

If you cannot afford this course, please contact us, so we can discuss how to get it to you free of charge. Our goal is to get this product into the hands of everyone who needs it. If you know of someone else who would benefit from this course, you’re welcome to purchase it on their behalf.

Still Have Questions?

Here are some goodies.

I hear ya! The good news is this course is designed to fit into a busy life. All you have to do is watch or listen to a 20-30 min video once a week and do a 5-min practice 1x a day. If this matters to you, I promise you can make space for it.

You sound like someone who’s really serious about your growth and that’s awesome! This course will work for you because it addresses your eating challenges on both the surface habitual level AND the deeper root cause level. There are concrete practices that you can do in the moment to stop yourself from emotional eating or overeating. And there are deep dive practices to help heal the underlying causes of this imbalance within you so the habits no longer occur. Most other emotional eating courses or techniques rely solely on willpower. This course helps you heal the deep wounds and patterns that cause emotional eating so these habits cease to occur altogether.

I love that you have such confidence in yourself. Go you! I believe that we all have incredible wisdom within us. I also believe that life is too short to have to figure everything out alone and without support. Would you rather spend years struggling with this on your own and eventually make some progress — or —  spend 3 powerful weeks efficiently learning and living all of the hard-won lessons I’ve been using and testing for years?

I hear ya. Breaking addictions is challenging, aaaand I know you can do this. Why? Because I and many others have been in your shoes and with a little effort and a lotta love, we’ve been able to not only heal our addictions, but create beautiful lives of joy, health, and freedom by practicing what you’ll learn in this course. You are capable of more than you can imagine. You just need to take the first step now towards what is truly possible for you.

We have a 100% money-back guarantee for any customer who wasn’t satisfied with this course. Just send us an email at We’ll ask you a few questions on how we can improve our course to serve you and future participants better and issue your refund swiftly. 

I want to help everyone who is serious about healing their challenges with food completely heal and I never want money to be an obstacle to your healing. So if this course is too expensive for you to manage, please send me an email letting me know your situation and I’d love to give you the course for free. 

Got more questions?

Send me a EMAIL and I’ll answer You Directly. 

Ready to stop overeating for good?

Now’s the time to finally heal.

ANd Get All this…

If you cannot afford this course, please contact me, so we can discuss how to get it to you free of charge. My goal is to get this course into the hands of everyone who needs it. If you know of someone else who would benefit from this course, you’re welcome to purchase it on their behalf.

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